
Jinja2 Basics (Mini Course)

Level: Beginner
Course Duration: 0.08 Hours
Jinja2 Basics (Mini Course)
User profile

Mumshad Mannambeth

Founder of KodeKloud | an IT Consultant | Certified Kubernetes Administrator

This mini course teaches you the basics of Jinja2 basics.

Jinja2 is used for creating templates that can be used to create the output files in various formats.

Templating languages enable the development of text-based documents with dynamically created content.

Deep dive into our course content with hands-on labs that can be accessed right in your browser without having to setup any lab environment yourself. We validate your work and give you feedback instantly.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

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About the instructor

  • Mumshad Mannambeth

    Mumshad Mannambeth

    Founder of KodeKloud | an IT Consultant | Certified Kubernetes Administrator

    Mumshad is passionate about sharing his knowledge and teaches over 600,000+ students worldwide. He believes the best way to learn is to learn by doing and in a fun way. He has authored multiple courses on DevOps and Cloud & Automation technologies. Mumshad's courses focus on providing students with an interactive and hands-on experience in learning new technology that makes it fun & exciting.

Course Content